Preparing for 2013 – Part 2: Goals and Strategies

What are your goals?This week’s article is the second of three.

I’m going back to the basics for 2013 and I invite you to join me. This is what I’m doing:

  • I’m creating and solidifying routines (or habits).
  • I’m setting goals for myself that are supported by strategies and clear plans of action.
  • I’m tracking each goal and strategy.
  • I’m recognizing what does and doesn’t work for and making adjustments as needed.

Last week’s article covered routines and the next week is about recognizing what does and doesn’t work

Now, on to the details for goal setting:

Set goals that are supported by strategies and clear plans of action

So, you have a goal in mind. What strategies will you use to meet that goal? What are the steps to complete each strategy?

A goal can have many supporting goals or strategies.

For example, take a basic goal like making a certain amount of money each month. That’s the main goal right? Now, how will you do it?

By meeting people? How will you meet them and stay connected? Perhaps you’ll network a certain number of times each month and begin speaking at different events.

Well, now you have two supporting goals: networking and speaking. What are your goals for those things? How many times do you want to network each month or how many people do you want to meet? How will you prepare for speaking or how many times do you want to speak each month?

So in this example the main goal is a certain monthly income, the supporting goals/strategies are networking and speaking and the steps to complete the supporting goals are what needs to be done to meet those supporting goals.

One hint here: If you want to start something new, the initial goal might be to research how to do it. The next goal might be to do it.

Track each goal and strategy.

Goals are easy to set and even easier to lose sight of if you’re not tracking them. This means looking at where you are with each one on a weekly basis.

The easiest way to do this? Make each goal specific and give it a due date.

In the example above the main goal was to make a certain amount of money each month. So, determine how you’re going to track it. One way is to take a piece of paper, write down each day of the month and then at the end of each day write down the amount of money you made and the total for the month. Slowly you’ll see the number grow.

If your goal is have 5 sales a month, then draw five circles on a piece of paper or sticky note and fill them in as you make your sales.

And of course, there are some goals that are simply, did this get done or not.

I have each of my goals on a post it note and they’re sticking in a notebook that holds all master and weekly lists. It’s easy to find and update them at the end of the week (or daily) that way. Many people post those goal tracking sheets in a place they every day and can easily update.

What goals do you have for 2013 and how will you track them? Share in the comments below!