I got my copy in 2004

Last Thursday I attended a 2 hour “Getting Things Done” training preview.

“Getting Things Done” is a book written by David Allen in 2001 and he became the “productivity guru” as a result. He has since developed training around the concepts in the book.

I probably got my original paperback copy around 2004. And absolutely loved it.

Even then I didn’t do everything that was suggested in the book. However, it has made a huge difference in how I approach getting my things done and you can see the fingerprints on what I teach and coach.

As part of training preview, we all got a copy of the updated edition of the book (it came out in 2015). I’m looking forward to reading it.

My biggest take away from the training was around the habits of capturing tasks and ideas (and that refreshers are helpful for everyone).

For this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie, let’s talk about that.

Check out the Facebook event here.

Update: You can watch this Wednesday LIVE with Evie here.