How Are You Really?

How Are You textHow are you?

Do you ever struggle with how to answer that question? Many times I answer with “I’m fine” or good or even great, without even thinking about it. Question A gets answer 1, no thinking required.

Or maybe you want to share, but don’t feel it is appropriate for the circumstance or situation.

I bring this up, because many times productivity or work gets compartmentalized. Whatever is going on in your personal life, whatever you’re feeling should be put aside while you work. That other stuff shouldn’t affect your work.

But it does.

If your answer to “How are you?” is “not fine” that’s OK! It’s normal to not always be fine, good or great!

We hear that question “how are you” so many times – that when you ask it to yourself you end up with your default answer.

So, here are a couple of alternatives:

  1. <Name> how are you doing? (with an implied tone of really wanting to know)
    I know someone who asks this question while looking directly into your eyes – she’s paying 100% attention to you and truly wants to know. I remember it being almost jarring when I realized she was really interested.
  2. How is it with your soul?
    I was reminded of this question the other day. It’s definitely a more personal question and not one to ask others (or yourself) in passing. It really gets at the core and can require some thought or searching before answering.

So, I challenge you to ask yourself one of these questions and really take some time with your answer. Then set aside some time to address whatever you need to in that regard.

Despite our inclination to compartmentalize – how you’re really doing affects everything.

So,  how are you, really? Leave me a comment and let me know!