Why did I pick that to-do?

Friday afternoon I was looking at my remaining list of to-do’s. I had two items that were going to require an hour-ish of time and that was all the time I had for the day.

I picked the one that I told my Facebook group was my most important task for the week.

Why? because I told them I’d complete it.

Have you ever noticed the same thing?

When you tell someone that you’ll complete something, and you know they’ll notice if you don’t, then you feel compelled to complete it.

Some of the members say that sharing their most important to-do for the week in the group has helped them get more done than anything else they’ve tried – and it creates momentum to get other things accomplished too!

Accountability is this week’s topic for Wednesday LIVE with Evie. Specifically, successful accountability buddies – whether it’s in a Facebook group or with someone you connect with daily or weekly.

Do you have an accountability buddy? Why or why not?
What’s worked really well for you or what didn’t work at all?
Let me know in the comments below.