How to Create a Task List For Your Learning Type

So, what method of task keeping is best for each learning type? Well, let’s start by looking at the different learning types.

  • Visual – Learn best by seeing or reading.
  • Auditory – Learn best by hearing.
  • Kinesthetic or Tactile – Learn best by doing.

You probably learn by at least two of these three methods, but one will probably work a little bit better. So, let’s break it down into what this means for your task list.

If you’re a Visual Learner, classic to-do lists might work just fine for you. For projects, another option is to create a mind map. Start with the end result of the project in the middle and then write in the supporting goals or tasks around it (connecting with a line). If the supporting goal has it’s own set of tasks then write those around it (again, connecting with a line).

An Auditory Learner will want to hear their task list. You’ll still want to write your tasks down and create a daily task list. However, after you’ve created it, record yourself reading your task list. Listen to it before you leave work for the day and again first thing in the morning. For projects, you can record your goal and supporting goals and tasks (saying them out loud will help you process it) and then create your task list from that recording later. I have friends that do some of their best thinking alone in the car and record their new ideas while driving, They use a hands free option of course!

Kinesthetic or Tactile
Classic to-do lists might work for you if you’re a Kinesthetic or Tactile Learner. However, you probably want to be able to touch each item in some way. Try writing each task on a small sticky note. That will allow you to touch each item and arrange them however you want. Or you could write each task on a small index card and arrange those. For projects, the same sticky note or index card method will work well.

Do you know what kind of learner you are? I’d love to know!