She hasn’t peed on the floor once! (setting boundaries)

Cam (Boston Terrier)No, I didn’t get a dog 🙂

Nate (my husband) and I are watching my parent’s dog, Cam, while they’re on vacation this week.

Last time she was here for 4 days (3 nights) and she peed on our bedroom floor 2 of the 3 mornings.

So far, she’s been here 3 mornings and hasn’t peed on the floor once.

Why is that?

We take her downstairs promptly in the morning. Her crate (with her pee pad) is there.

We don’t give her the opportunity to be on the carpet in our bedroom long enough in the morning to do anything she shouldn’t (she sleeps in bed, because that’s what she does at home).

We’ve created a boundary.

She doesn’t stay upstairs after both Nate and I are up.

Now, this might change when she’s learned how to go down (and up) our hardwood stairs.

But for now, since she can’t take herself downstairs and because she’s shown no interest in using a pee pad upstairs, she’s carried downstairs when we’re both up (she’ll happily stay in bed until it’s empty).

While you might not have the issue above (hopefully), it did make me think about boundaries that we do or can put around our business or our personal lives.

Boundaries that support you, support your business, and help you from having a mess to clean up 😉

What are some of those boundaries for you?

In this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie I shared both what seems obvious and what might not be so obvious. And how to pick boundaries that are right for you.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #40