Make a decision and then make it right

“Make a decision and then make it right.”
(Google tells me that it’s part of a quote from Abraham-Hicks)

I don’t remember where or when I first heard this, but it’s always resonated with me. I take the meaning to be that once you’ve made a decision, commit to it and spend your energy moving forward as if it’s the right decision (and don’t second guess yourself).

It’s the difference between these two attitudes:

  1. What can I learn?
  2. Prove it to me. (Prove that this is worth my time/money.)

Have you experienced both of these? Or maybe seen how each attitude plays out in someone else (sometimes it’s a lot easier to see it in someone else first).

The person with the “prove it to me” attitude is evaluating everything and waiting for something useful to be handed directly to them. At an event they’re complaining about what isn’t working for them – their seat, that last section or even how lunch was handled. And in a program they might be complaining about how the information was delivered or complaining about how it won’t work for them (or hasn’t worked in the past).

The person with the “what can I learn” attitude has on a completely different pair of glasses – their view is much different. They’re also evaluating, but instead of waiting for something useful to be handed to them, they’re looking at everything and looking at how it might apply to them – now or later. They’re enjoying where they are right now, wherever that is.

Let me be clear though, having the “what can I learn” attitude doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It can also involve recognizing that something doesn’t work for you or isn’t right for you.

The difference is how this is handled.

The “prove it to me” attitude will complain about it and be unhappy.

The “what can I learn” attitude will learn from it and decide what they can do to make it work for them now or how to avoid the situation in the future.

Two people, at similar places in their businesses (and even in similar businesses) can go to the same event (or conference or program or anything) and have completely different experiences based on the attitude they go in with.

Who do you think walks away with the better experience?

Which attitude do you find yourself approaching events or conferences with?

One thought on “Make a decision and then make it right

  1. Great article! I will put this to use immediately. What can I learn?!

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