Appreciation – How Do You Get More?

I was listening to the radio the other day and someone was complaining about not being appreciated by her boss. She felt that things at work would be a lot more enjoyable if her boss genuinely appreciated her and her coworkers.

I can relate. Most of us probably can. Whether it’s a boss or someone else, we all want to be appreciated on occasion.

Hearing this woman on the radio (that could have so easily been me at one point), I wondered two things:

1.  Does she appreciate her boss?

We teach people how to treat us. One way we do that is by treating them how we would like to be treated. Want to be treated with respect, treat others with respect. Want to be treated with care and compassion, treat others with care and compassion.

2.  Does she appreciate herself?

The other way we teach people how to treat us is by how we treat ourselves. Want to be treated with respect, treat yourself with respect. Want to be treated with care and compassion, treat yourself with care and compassion.

Other people do not automatically know how you want to be treated. Our own behaviors give others insight to that. So, next time you find yourself wishing for a different behavior or treatment from someone, take it as an opportunity to learn about yourself and ask:

  1. Do I treat others that way?
  2. Do I treat myself that way?

Do You Wish They Would Do More?

Have you ever wished that someone would do more of something for you, even just once?  Perhaps you wish that your boss would compliment you every once in a while when you do a good job on a project.  Or your husband would take care of that one project you’ve been asking him to do for the last few months. Or maybe you wish that someone took more of an interest in what you do.  Do you have a wish like that?

Let me ask another question: When was the last time you did that thing you wanted more of for that person?  When was the last time you complimented your boss or quickly took care of something that was important to your husband or took an interest in what someone else does (and really listened)?

You get what you give right?  So what are you giving and what do you want to get?  Think about it and this week try to give more of what you would like to receive.  You might be surprised at your results!

Let me know how it goes!